Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Frontline Video

While watching that video today I had so many little comments as it progressed. Whether it was shock, empathy or just downright confusion, it definitely provoked a lot of emotions, hence me choosing this as my topic of blogging this week. For one, it brought me backwards in time to a place that seems so far away but really is only about 2 years in actuality- high school. And personally I believe that is the only audience to which it can apply, because it is the last stage parents have any real hold on you before "your life begins." I remember I considered myself, even in high school, or should I say especially in high school, an independent individual. I did not share more than I felt necessary with my parents and just did my own thing. I didn't even get a myspace until sophomore year, after I did a summer program and wanted to keep in touch with those friends. But then once I had it, I became semi-obessed with decorating it, and writing on people's walls, etc. I wasn't a 24/7, stay in my room, glued to screen type of gal, but it had its effects. And naturally because I have a older brother, once we became "cyber friends" he informed my mom of my new addition. And so I had her inquiring about what I did, who I talked to and yes she to asked for me password, like Evan, and I naturally declined. I also can relate to the computer in a common space, mine being the living room/ family room of sorts and so just to bug her I would turn the screen towards me so she couldn't see if she was on the couch. Eventually, I jsut used my laptop which bugged her even more. And it became a routine of me doing that, her askind questions and getting no answers and then jsut accepting it. But that did not mean we did not go through the same process when I created a facebook account. However, this time she took a different approach and created one, and did not tell me, I only found out because she did not log off of the common computer.
My profile accounts were not the only areas of life my mother wanted to know everything about, she always had to know who I was ont eh phone with, who I went out with even if I was driving, what grades I got on assignments she knew about. She took up inquiring about the status of some of my friendships, especially male ones and just trying to pry into my life. I account this partly to her personality, because I she the tendencies in myself and partly to this generation gap aided by technology and the internet. I feel as if she reaches out in which ever way she can becuase we don't spend as much family time together. We are all doing different things, on own own computers, or watching our own T.Vs and then consumed with school activites or social lives. I used to feel liek in high school when I was home I never really was there. I wouldn't know who came and lef the house or what they were up to. Sometimes my brother and I even used to IM late at night when we were both in our rooms because we didn't feel like going up flights of steps to each other and it might cause suspicion brother and sister talking. My mother told me she felt that joining Facebook was a way to keep up with me and especially now in college, I barely have time to talk on the phone, so that is our communication. So in a way depending on age it can cause a gap, but then it can also bridge it. We email all the time now and same with my friends and there parents, just becuase most of the time we are doing work at the computer.
This brings me to another point about the sparknotes and education aspect. One teacher said she doens't like the internet or computers in a classroom setting becuase it distracts the student, etc. Ironically enough for all of high school I was required to have a laptop. Sometimes taking notes electronically in class, surfing the web and furthermore, I was encouraged to use Sparknotes by my English teacher! It is like themale teacher said the information is there as a general guideline and a supplement to which you cna then fill in your own work to pull it all together.
So what is my point out of all this venting? Technology has it ups and downs just like everything in life. If we are taught the proper way to utilize the positvie aspects then that in itself will minimize the negative. But if we try to control teh situation I believe it will only make it worse and cause for rebellion or further separation. We all go through phases, and now technology has become integrated into our adolesnce. The best thing for parents to do is jump on the ban wagon and learn about it for themselves not through their kids. Talk to their kids about saftey and caution and then after that let em be!

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