Monday, November 2, 2009

POP! There goes my heart

So for those of us who have seen the movie, Music and Lyrics, I have taken a line from one of there songs in order to explain the phenomenon of popular culture. It is addicting like allison was saying, whether it is in print form, TV, film or music, we all have some source we are intrigued or entertained by. We pour our hearts into TV shows, hoping certain characters have relationships with others. Or even in celebrity life, hoping Brad and Angelina don't split. We talk of popular culture as if we are living it and apart of it directly. Using first names of stars as if they are our everyday friends. We dedicate ourselves to ceratin genres of music, and attempt to recreate ceratin astyles of our favorite actresses or celebrity idols.We pour dedicate hours of our time to watching reality TV shows when can go live our own reality. The discussion of the trends and influences of popular culture saddens me, as much as I, myself, am enthralled. It saddens me to think that we care so much about thinks that do not affect us. Or on an opposite end, only those thigns that 'affect" us as Americans.
I would love to watch foreign films and follow foreign bands, but it is extremely difficult with our media lines clogged with American popular culture. I also would love to say I hate these new teenage stars that arise and bands liek the Jonas Brothers, becuase that isn't real music, but I can't help. I still even watch the disney channel at times. I am not as bad as some of my friends who live on and update me 24/7 on celebrity relationships or read spoilers to tell me in advance what the outcome of our favorite TV show is going to be, but the majority of our culture is like that. I think there is something fundamentally wrong with the type of popular culture we have come to idolize. It is fake and has no substance and I think we all as consumers of such media need to demand a change.

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